NinjaLifestyle Trailer!

Posted on July 27th

Don’t forget to subscribe!!!


Posted on April 13th


Posted on March 11th

Metro Skatepark Las Vegas

Posted on March 1st

It was a great year!

Posted on January 13th

Black Ninja & Frankie Decker

Posted on September 28th

At Betsy Rhodes park.

More Lone Mountain

Posted on August 12th

Also the YMCA doubleset.

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Swainston – Vegas Skate Spot

Posted on July 22nd

Theron L Swainston Middle School
3500 West Gilmore Ave
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Swainston is a middle school with an awesome 10 stair. It has a steep circular rail with a decent amount of run-up. The only negative thing is a small crack before the top stair. You can typically skate this spot anytime as long as it isn’t during school hours. As always, please respect this spot and do not damage anything because it is one of the few schools left that can be skated without problems.

Notable tricks: Nosegrind, Treflip, Kickflip over rail, Nollie 5050, Nollie bs boardslide, Back smith. Leave all other notable tricks in the comments section.

Lone Mountain – Vegas Skate Spot

Posted on July 14th

Location: 4445 North Jensen, Las Vegas, NV 89129 -On the intersection of North Jensen and Craig. This spot has been around for many years and has everything you could possibly want to skate. Ledges, Manuals, Stairs, Banks, Wallrides, and the list goes on. In the newer more colorful section you have a Medium chance of getting kicked out. Typically we try to skate that area on Sundays hoping than no park maintenance people or marshalls are patrolling. The older ledge area is usually a safe spot to skate with little chance of being kicked out. Have fun.