beg stream
$14 hit the weed vape!
$18 rip off white shirt hulk hogan style while shouting out whatever you want (great for happy birthday messages)
$211 destroy coffee table with bat
$4 teach the flamingo a valuable lesson
$5 put on face tattoo OR arm sleeve tattoo
$25 put on coconut bra
$13 change into different sexy bathing suit
$25 women’s UFC bottoms
$5 wear cat ears
$5 wear mario hat!
$6 Make balloon animal
$7 Clown wig/nose OR green wig
$5 treat for koopa the dog
$1 take shirt off
$6 dance with koopa
$500 put shirt on
$3 front flip onto couch
$6 drink my favorite drink
$6 do 25 pushups
$15 show some rifles or guns
$1 drink water
$5 insult fryinb
$7 eat taquitos
$6 insult keith
$900 compliment you
$8 smoke cigar (if I have any)
$11 bullet proof vest
$5 play song on otamatone
$12 eat a sardine
$2 give koopa a smooch
$5 eat something very spicy
$4 song or youtube video request
$10 live ninja review
$7 pour vodka into drink
$4,000 wipe my own ass